Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Using Cloud Service Providers For Everything

By Liliana Mills

The World Wide Web has long been a fertile playground for all sorts of start ups and secure companies alike. All sorts of companies would use it to carve out a niche for themselves and survive in the business world because of it. Cloud service providers started out the same way but they would eventually grow beyond what could be considered a niche market.

There are a great many web based companies that are small enough to keep expenses on the low end, but large enough to at least make a profit to stay afloat. Places like this have been around for a very long time on the Internet. There are companies that start out this way and eventually grow well beyond that category. These are the companies that are considered a huge success.

When the cloud made its debut people looked upon it as a new technology or service. In all actuality it has been around for a very long time. It was just not called the cloud because somewhere someone had a great marketing idea. This happens from time to time in our society. People take something that has been around or something that is a common commodity and give it a name.

When companies started to offer online space for people to use as they wished it started a boom that made a lot of people money. On the other hand, people were happy to pay a fee for such a service because it gave them instant access to their files no matter where in the world they were at the time and also saved them money because they did not have to purchase more hardware.

As websites started to see a fit for their files on such sites they started to supplement their own archives with cloud service providers because it was smart, economical, and fast. They could gain tons of space without any additions to their own hardware and very quick and short additions of code to their pages.

As more and more sites started to use such places, other services started to do the same. Pretty soon you had providers everywhere and almost everybody was using them. Even people who really had no need for vast amounts of space now had it available to them. They figured why not if it is free, because someday it might come in handy.

They no longer had a need to carry software or files with them in bulky drives or in a lot of smaller portable ones. They could just upload their data to the cloud and walk away. When they arrived at their new location or when someone else needed what they had, they only needed to log in to the site and download their files.

Making it simple, easy, and free was a business model that always works. Especially if the product you have is valuable. Cloud service providers had that model and they have value so it was easy to see that it would be a success, and it was. Today they are plentiful and the options available are many. Great enough to fit anyone's needs.

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